President’s Message

by | December 15, 2024

Hello Whyte Ridge and Linden Ridge,
Summer is finally here! We are so excited to have everyone soon able to see our newly
renovated interior. We applied for multiple grants and were fortunate that they were approved,
allowing for new flooring and painting in the skate change area, the canteen and kitchen
updated and made accessible, and the players boxes repaired and mats layed. Thank you to
the Building Sustainable Communities Fund (Government of Manitoba), City of Winnipeg,
Councillor Janice Lukes, Pembina Active Living 55+, and the Tire Stewardship Manitoba.
The new spraypad should already be open and we thank MP Terry Duguid, MLA Obby Khan,
and Councillor Janice Lukes for their support through PrairiesCan through the Canada
Community Revitalization Fund; the Province of Manitoba through the Canada Community
Building Fund; and the City of Winnipeg through the Land Dedication Reserve Fund.
We would also like to thank the Government of Canada Summer Jobs program and the
Government of Manitoba Green Team for their continued support of our centre. These two
programs allow us to staff our canteen, summer camps and grounds crew.
Volunteers! We are always looking for volunteers: the Board is currently looking for a Special
Events Director, Programming/Activities Director, Site Development Director, House and
Grounds Director, a Fundraising Director, and a Director At Large. If you are interested in
volunteering but don’t want to be a Board member, you can! Perhaps you only want to plan one event or get a class started. Just email
WRCC Board meetings are scheduled for the 2 nd Monday of every month beginning at 7pm and we invite all community members to attend with ideas for our center or concerns however we do take July and August off!

Kimberley O’Hara