The Squirrel Scoop

by | December 15, 2024

It’s difficult not to admire squirrels’ audacity: the acrobatic champions that can embezzle your
bird feeder in minutes; the speed and unpredictable trajectories with which they spring from tree to tree. Some species can leap up to 10 times their body length in a single jump.
Squirrels are a surprisingly diverse group. Around the globe, there are 270 species of these rodents, with 22 of them found in Canada alone: six are tree species, while 16 are ground-dwelling species. They can be found in every province and territory, and come in a variety of sizes, from weighing as little as 50 grams, like a chipmunk, to a Hoary Marmot’s impressive presence of up to six kilograms.

Squirrels are mostly solitary animals. They use a complex combination of vocalizations as well
as tail movements and gestures to communicate. I am pretty versed at their non-normative
language, as I got yelled at numerous times while trying to sneak a bit closer for a better shot.
The bushy tails also help them balance in high places and steer when jumping from branch to

Squirrels are eating machines that are on a perpetual treasure hunt. At the same time, they are terrible planners. Ever noticed how they hastily bury their nuts but forget where they stashed them moments later? While this might not aid squirrels, the trait helps to regenerate forests – as squirrels forget about the acorns they buried in fall, they germinate in spring.

Squirrels loose up to 25 percent of their hidden food to the rival neighbours and birds. So, they sometimes pretend to burry a nut to mislead potential thieves. But they also might be after your flower bulb, I don’t know. Anyway, next time my husband points out my hoarding tendencies, I’ll counter with a bang-on example of a squirrel – and if it’s designed by nature, it can’t be flawed.

Don’t worry about the critters going hungry though. Their little nutty brain might not always serve them well, but squirrels have an excellent sense of smell and can find food under a foot of snow.

Despite some memory challenges, squirrels are known for their resourcefulness and ability to overcome obstacles. They have been observed using innovative tactics to learn and outsmart complex mazes, quite often on the first try, in order to get to an especially coveted treat.
So, keep your camera ready for your next squirrely encounter and give these charismatic
creatures the credit they deserve.
Photos: American Red Squirrel

By: Anna Aráoz