President’s Message

by | December 3, 2023

Hello Whyte Ridge and Linden Ridge,


Happy Holidays!  Our centre has seen a lot of updates this year and we have one more to go before the winter break. Our outdoor ice rink lights are being retrofitted with LEDs which is a greener option. Thank you to the City of Winnipeg’s Renovation Grant!


The Community Centre is operated by a Board of Directors which is made up of volunteer community members. Every so often, Board members leave for other opportunities and we would like to fill those empty roles with new community members. Board members attend one monthly meeting (but not during summer months) and help guide the direction of the centre. If you are interested, take a look at the following positions. Currently we are seeking the following:


Vice- President (currently vacant)

Secretary in Training (current Secretary leaving in April)

Diversity Director (currently vacant)

Site Development Director (currently vacant)

Programming/Activities Director (currently vacant)

Fundraising Director (currently vacant)

Canteen Director (currently vacant)

House and Grounds (currently vacant)


If any of these positions interest you, please email for more information. The Whyte Ridge Community Centre cannot function or operate programs without a great team guiding the way and we need your help.


Check out this edition of The Ridge for information on our winter programs! Register your team for our Quiz Night! Teams of up to 8 people will battle it out on Saturday, Jan 27 for their chance to have their team name engraved on our Quiz Trophy and of course, prizes. For those aged 18+! There will be a cash bar, music, toonie and loonie games and the Quiz Game! And of course, our Winter Carnival is taking place on Saturday, Jan 14 from 1-4 pm. This year, bring a non-perishable food item for free entry!


Looking ahead to spring, our sports programs will need your help. Soccer is in need of Mini-Soccer convenors for different age groups and both soccer and basketball will be looking for coaches. The kids are depending on people stepping up. Please email or letting them know how you can help.


WRCC Board meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of every month beginning at 7pm and we invite all community members to attend with ideas for our centre or concerns.


Kimberley O’Hara
