Soccer Coaches Needed

Soccer Coaches Needed

Our kids… our program!

The 2024 Youth Recreation Outdoor and Mini Soccer seasons are almost here.

We are looking for that special group of coaches and assistant coaches who can make this happen.  If you coached with us last year, or currently in our indoor season – thank you and we will be reaching out to you again!

If you’ve never coached before and would like to try – Whyte Ridge Community Centre will be there to support you with assistance with your credentials, training, and mentorship.  There is no cost to you and we only ask you for your time.

The programs are open to kids from the ages of 3 to 18 years of age.  Our goal is to have all of our kids be able to play in their home community, but this can’t happen without you!

To learn more about how to start your coaching journey, contact for more information.