16:30 - 18:30
Watercolour Painting for Teens and Adults (ages 13+ and adults)
A Series of Four Fridays presented by Art City Inc.
Dates: November 4, 18, 25, Dec 2 (No workshop on November 11)
4:30-6:30 PM
Cost: $80/person
Minimum of 12 participants required
Discover and fine-tune your painting style this fall! Led by a professional artist, you will explore brush techniques, colour and line, blending and inking! All levels of experience are welcome; all tools and materials are provided. Art City Inc. is located in Winnipeg on Treaty 1 territory and is dedicated to supporting all people to express themselves creatively.
Registration is not complete without payment. Please make payment either by e-transfer to payment@whyteridge.ca or contact generalmanager@whyteridge.ca to pay by cheque. Please include your participants name and the name of the program when making payment.