Sponsor with Whyte Ridge

Whyte Ridge Community Centre is a nonprofit organization that is run mostly by volunteers. The City of Winnipeg provides grants to the centre, but the cost of operation is much higher. Therefore we rely on our youth and adult sports programs to generate additional revenue in order to keep the centre running and available to the residents of Whyte Ridge and the surrounding area. Any monetary and non-monetary help is greatly appreciated. Your donations can be used to organize special events like Winter and Summer Carnivals, or purchase indoor practice space for our soccer teams, pay for the uniforms and so on.

We are no longer sell advertisements via our community centre. Instead, we are switching to a sponsorship model hoping this helps our community centre to grow and prosper. Our Sponsorship plans:


WRCC electronic newsletter (monthly)

Website footer ad

Website page ad

Small poster indoor

Large poster indoor

Digital sign 6 months

Digital sign 12 months

Special events


  • a contribution of $250 will give Bronze Sponsor level which means exposure on our website general advertisement area and the newsletter for one year
  • a contribution of $1000 (Silver Sponsor) will give additional advertising on a page level of your choice, i.e. soccer, rental etc. as well a small poster inside of the community centre
  • a contribution of $2500 (Gold Sponsor) will allow running your ad on our digital sign plus a large poster inside.
  • a larger contribution of $5000 and over to various programs in WRCC will give the status of Platinum Sponsor which will be specially recognized at our semi-annual carnival events and our community newspapers.
Please consider any additional amount as a donation to our club. Our general manager should be able to issue an invoice or a receipt whichever suits you best. Although we are a non-profit organization, unfortunately, we cannot produce donation receipts for tax purposes.

Interested in sponsoring a program in Community Centre

We have several programs in WRCC, for example, youth soccer or basketball that you can sponsor. Read more here.

For questions or additional information please contact us by phone 204-487-3042 or via email at office@whyteridge.ca