Soccer Fields

Field Locations in Whyte Ridge

Whyte Ridge Tyke (3/4 Field) – North field, Whyte Ridge Community Centre, closest parking lot: Cloverwood Rd. entrance

Whyte Ridge Club (full field) – South field, Whyte Ridge Community Centre, Closest parking lot: 170 Fleetwood Rd.

Don Smith Park/HGI school (Field #1 & #2) – 960 Scurfield Blvd. Street parking

Linden Ridge Park (3/4 Field) – 71 Linden Ridge Dr, Stret Parking

Whyte Ridge Elementary School – 400 Scurfield Blvd. Closest parking lot: Columbia Dr. entrance. Street parking on weekends.

Soccer fields and practices scheduling – for WR club sanctioned games and practices only.